Folding Face Towels
The Case of the Missing Sock
I Love Monkey
Making a Snack
Cover the Dotted Rainbow
Making a Pattern
Language Mystery Bag
- Items needed:
- Small drawstring bag or zippered pouch
- Mat or tray ( towel or pillow case)5 or 6 familiar objects found around the house
- Collect objects with your child, or collect items in advance to make it a fun challenge.
- Place objects inside the bag and sit in front of the mat or tray.
- Have your child reach into the bag, find one item and guess what it is as they pull it out. ( Older toddlers can close their eyes during this step.) If they do not know the object’s name say it out loud and then have them repeat the name. Place the object on the tray or mat.
- Repeat until all objects in the bag are placed onto the mat.
- When completed, have your child say each object’s name as you return it into the bag as part of putting their work away.
- Change objects in bag as often as you want and enjoy!!!
Window Washing
Painting on Foil
The Peace Rose
Beading with Pasta
Freeze Dance
Flipping on Your Coat
Pine Cone Bird Feeder
Montessori at Home
Prepared Environment
Butterfly Art Project
Making Bubbles
Tissue Paper Collage
You will need:
- Different colors of tissue paper
- Construction paper
- Glue
- Paintbrush
Counting & Matching Work
Leaf Polishing
Make Your Own Binoculars
The Very Hungry Caterpillar
Quantity to Quantity Matching
Sink or Float
Items needed from your home:
- 4 objects that SINK
- 4 objects that FLOAT
- 1 bowl or bin
- 1 small bowl or basket for all objects
- For older Toddlers – add 2 small containers labeled on bottom – SINK & FLOAT
- Tray
Have your child take an object out of the basket and place it in the water. Ask the question, “Does this float on top of the water or sink below the water?” Your child will explore this activity over and over again!
Butterfly Dot Math/Matching
Planting Petunias
Sound/No Sound
Toddler Workout
Head, Shoulders, Knees & Toes
Matching Produce
Scooping Rice
Tool Memory Game
Office Supply Matching
The purpose of matching materials to cards for the toddler is to build their vocabulary through experiencing the materials.
CLICK HERE to print our your own set of matching cards!