Welcome to Newburyport Montessori School

Newburyport Montessori School is a private, independent Montessori school for children aged 2 through 6 years old.  Our preschool and kindergarten programs inspire children to be self-motivated, independent, lifelong learners.

At NMS we approach each child with love and understanding.  We provide our students with a nurturing and compassionate environment that enables children to: develop autonomy; establish comfortable and productive peer relations; learn basic skills and concepts necessary for intellectual development; and keep their sense of wonder and appreciation for the world.

Our class sizes are small as are our student-to-educator ratios.  This allows us to meet the needs of each individual child.

All of our teachers have received BA degrees, Montessori certification, and many have received master’s degrees.


Vision Statement


Newburyport Montessori is a compassionate, harmonious place where children, teachers and parents gather to celebrate the wonder of the universe in a supportive, respectful way.

We are dedicated to creating and nurturing a community of peace, respect and diversity in honor of the child (and each other) through:

  • Compassion
  • Love
  • Laughter
  • Curiosity
  • Honoring, supporting and inspiring one another