Meet Alexxa

Meet Alexxa

Administrative Assistant

Joined NMS in 2023

Bachelor of Science in Culinary Arts with a Minor in Business Administration, Drexel University

My daughter started attending NMS in the Nido program and I fell in love with the Montessori approach and the loving community of people. I felt a strong connection to the school and decided to leave my more corporate career to become a part of this wonderful community. I have always loved working with children, but also very much enjoy organizational projects and flexing my creative muscles here and there to create signage etc. for the school. Best of all I get to spend more time with my daughter!

Outside of school I love spending time with my husband and daughter, especially going on family walks on the weekend. My other passion is cooking. I worked at America’s Test Kitchen on the Kitchen Operations team for 10 years and love all things food and cooking related!